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Suppose you wake up one day and realize that what you were doing your whole life isn’t interesting anymore, and what is interesting happens to be  something else?


What would you do? Give up the first even if you don’t know how to do the second?


Try to do both — for a time? Or keep at the first since you’ve gotten so much invested and you don’t want to lose it?


If the first has changed, or if you have changed, then maybe the answer is to switch.


If the first hasn’t changed, but you have changed, then maybe the answer is to switch.


If the first has changed, but you haven’t changed, you are fucked.


Bits and pieces of all three, I guess.


Lots of people find something to do and stick with it. It becomes them. I’ve not been able to do that. I get bored, or scared, or no longer interested. I put it aside and start something else.


Sometimes I pick it up again a few weeks later, and it is different; sometimes completely different. I wonder what I was thinking earlier, how I could have thought those things, done those things, or tried to make those things.


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